Thursday, August 26, 2010

About Me

My name is Danica Davidson and I started writing before I even knew how. That's because back when I was about three I was dictating or just telling stories to myself or to other people. Flash forward to the present and I'm working to make writing my whole life. Since 2004 I've been a professional writer (that means they actually pay me to do what I love!) by contributing to more than thirty magazines, websites and newspapers. Each day I write articles that go on to be published, and now I have a few hundred articles to my name. I've also written the English adaptation of Japanese books.

All this is fun, but my main goal is to be a professional novelist.  Yes, it's true.  And it's not a new goal, either.  I do have a complete YA novel I want to sell, and while I don't feel comfortable describing it online where anyone can read it, please feel free to email me if you're a professional and you're curious to hear more.
Before I go, I wanted to share an article that was published about me in the Los Angeles Times:
Thanks for reading!



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